The invisible part of us.The part of you that processes everything that you experience in life..Your mind

Your consciousness, your soul or whatever you want to call it. It doesn’t matter what you label it. It’s just understanding that how you process,see or perceive yourself is determined not by what others tell you, as much as you’d like to believe that.

But how you have chosen to perceive yourself.

Feel good about yourself, treat yourself good & cherish your being.

Look at yourself in the mirror, and look at yourself with confidence.

Tell yourself you are unique, significant, worthy and divine.

Feed yourself loving things instead of doubting yourself. You are special in all the world and feel it, really feel it no matter where you go. Present and carry yourself that way. With confidence that you are comfortable with who you are.

You have to think “Nobody did this to me. I allowed it to happen and I’m no longer willing to allow myself to be immobilized by the rejection of other people or events that may have attempted to impose on me.”

If you could see that there are areas of your life that you are self rejecting and identify them.

Make a commitment to yourself to change them.

Looking for the approval of others, making their opinions more important than your own opinion of yourself.

This is what happens when you find yourself upset,angry, frustrated,depressed and even unhappy with the way someone has treated you.

In that very moment you’re caring about what someone else thinks about you and not what you think.

That’s the change you wanna make.

They have an opinion and their opinion is something they’re very much entitled to, but their opinion doesn’t define who I am. Who I am is the way I process life.

If there are certain people in your life that don’t like or agree on what you’re doing,

you don’t want that negativity in your life.

You don’t want to be that person that needs others approval or validation for you to be happy.

You have a choice if someone behaves toward you, that you feel offended or says something to you that you dislike.

YOU have a choice in how you’re gonna process that!

You should never turn the control over your life to someone else, for approval seeking.

Being approved of is wonderful, we all like it! Applause is great, but it is not something We should need or expect.

When you do expect not everyone is gonna like you or what you’re doing, then you won’t be surprised by it.

It’s your

thoughts that create your life All these definitions you put on yourself, is just keeping you from being able to improve the quality of your life.

You choose who you want to be, the personality you wanna have. Not what others say.

You have to know it in your soul , you are a unique, purposeful, authentic and a strong person capable of changing your beliefs. The ability to change your thought process.

Yes, you can create YOUR reality.

Don’t immobilize yourself from being fulfilled in the now, in the present moment.


Unapologetically unique You

Be You